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CountriesXL Code of Conduct

1. Commenting and Rating are integral parts of the CountriesXL

When looking at an item on the RESOURCES please take the time to comment on it. The ratings tells the Author that the work is good or needs improvement. A comment tells the Author what you think. Even a simple "Thank You" can go a long way.

2. That said, always be polite

If an item isn't particuarly good, don't say "Man that is a piece of crap...what a waste of RESOURCES space." Now who would want to try again after hearing that? Say something like "It's ok but needs more props to provide some detail. Good for your first try."

For the record, simply stating "I don't like it" adds nothing of value to the conversation.

Rookies aren't instantly awesome. Just because their work isn't at the level of some of our more experienced people does not mean they are no good. Everyone starts somewhere and just because the some people have progressed to new levels does not mean that newbies will start on these levels. Do not leave comments pointing out that a rookie isn't as good as a more experienced person.

As a final note, it's true that different websites may have different guidelines for what qualifies as "polite." Those guidelines are irrelevant here. CountriesXL has its own operating culture that are clearly spelled out in the rules. We all must adapt to be a part of the community here.

3. Do not do "First to comment!" comments

Such comments are spam if they do not actually comment the file itself. Commenting is not a race. You will not get an award if you comment first. The automated system may have some nasty suprirses in store for you. (Might we suggest that you don't test it.)

4. Don't bring politics or religion up when commenting

If you feel scandalized by something, refrain from imparting your personal judgement on the matter. Comment on the craftsmanship, the creative or functionl aspects instead. If you truly believe the item is without merit or violates a rule, it's better to just report it to a moderator.

5. Don't Abuse the Rating System

Rate fairly, and without malice. This isn't a popularity contest for your friends or a way to take a stab at someone you don't like. Ratings are intended to reflect on quality. Keep in mind that we are here to improve our enjoyment of a game, not to throw barbs at each other. (Here, again, the system has ways of finding out. You don't want to be publicly embarrassed in front of everyone, do you?)

6. Don't feed the trolls

Reacting negatively to a spam upload usually just gives a troll what they want: attention. If you spot a spam upload, do not comment on it, and simply report it to a moderator. These things will be taken care of, and trolls are easily slain.

7. In case of uploads that do not follow the "upload" guidelines

Feel free to comment and encourage the uploader on the guidelines they should follow. This is not an opportunity for flaming, sarcasm, or adopting a holier-than-thou attitude. In other words, don't be a jerk about it. Report it to a moderator and move on with your day.

8. The CountriesXL is a free and paid, open exchange. Sharing is caring!

All members in good standing, regardless of their ability level, are welcome to upload on the CountriesXL. This has been the CountriesXL's philosophy, and it will remain that way forever. Everyone gets the same chance to upload, no matter what. Remember: one person's trash could be another person's treasure.

Someone might take a half-baked idea and turn it into something truly epic. Just because something does not meet your standards doesn't mean someone else might not like it. The only way the CountriesXL can thrive is to encourage as many people to contribute as possible. This ultimately serves to benefit everyone.

9. Do not use rude language or profanities when commenting

This is a bannable offence. Do not risk your access to the community. Keep it clean. We don't need to define what is rude or profane; you know darn well.

10. The Golden rule.

Treat others how you would want to be treated.

All in all, the staff here are not unreasonable. You might slip up, you might have misread a rule, or you might even have a bad day; it's OK. You will be informed of your slip up, and gently nudged in the right direction. But the staff here are not stupid. Don't play games, don't be sneaky, don't be evil.

Have fun.