Please do not upload any nude and inappropriate images and videos
Please do not upload any nude and inappropriate images and videos to this site.
Do not upload any malware
Please do not upload any malware and dangerous files to this site
Please do not upload any ai generated images and videos
Please do not upload any ai generated images and videos to this site.
No strong language
There are no exceptions to this rule. Find another way to express emotions emphatically
No offend
You can criticize a person, his projects, code, etc. Help people get better instead of offending them
Format your message
Use the appropriate BB codes for block and inline code, maths, quotes, etc.
No Advertising
Please do not post any marketing advertising. The rule does not apply to sharing any mods contents, games/software applications and media contents
Resources Questions
Make the question clear
No one will guess your problem. The more information you provide, the faster you will receive an answer.
Look, Question and Rate
Look, Question and Rate. When looking at a lot/map/B.A.T./etc. please use Question tab feature on it. The Question tells the Author that is work is good or needs improvement
Can’t help —Don’t answer
If you have nothing to help in resolving the question, do not write anything. The rule does not apply to requests for clarification.
Be polite
Be polite. If the lot/map/B.A.T./etc. isn't very good don't say "Man that is a piece of crap...what a waste of Resources place." This can discourage a rookie and we want to encourage people to learn and improve. Use constructive criticism. Say something like "It's ok but needs more props to provide some detail. Good for your first try."
Rookies aren't instantly awesome. Just because their work isn't at the level of some of our more experienced people does not mean they are no good. Everyone starts somewhere and just because the some people have progressed to new levels does not mean that newbies will start on these levels. Do not leave Questions saying a rookie isn't as good as a more experienced person.
Do not do "First to Question!
Do not do "First to Question!" Questions. Such Questions are spam if they do not actually Question the file itself. Questioning is not a race. You will not get an award if you Question first.
Don't bring politics or religion up when Questioning
Don't bring politics or religion up when Questioning. If you do not approve of the content of a map/lot/B.A.T./etc. Question on just the quality, your personal judgment on the content. Instead of saying "This just wrong. This should be removed from Resources." Say something like "This lot is well detailed but I don't quite care for the use."
Do not use rude language or profanities when Questioning
Do not use rude language or profanities when Questioning. This is a bannable offence. Do not risk your access to Resources. Keep it clean.
Follow the instructions of Resources moderators
Be sure to follow the instructions of Resources moderators. When a moderator states in the Questions to refrain from further Questioning, then don't Question. Simple as that.
Resources Upload Guidelines
Do not pirate anything on the CountriesXL Exchange
Do not pirate anything on the CountriesXL Exchange and do not upload plagiarized creations to the Resources. CountriesXL Lot/B.A.T./mod/map/etc. makers put hard work into their files. Do not upload them onto another site and call them your own. Ask for Permission from the author.
Also, do not upload a BAT, lot, or mod that was made by someone else without permission. Doing so is a bannable offense. If you re-lot someone else's creation, you MUST give credit to the original creator and link to the original file as a dependency. If the model is used from a free service like Sketchup or Google Warehouse, you still have to state where you got it.
Do not exceed the 1Gb limit for B.A.T.s, Lots or Mods.
Do not exceed the 1Gb limit for B.A.T.s, Lots or Mods. If you feel you need to exceed the limit, PM Dirk about it for permission to upload it.
MUST be accompanied by an in-game picture and meaningful description.
10. All Resources uploads MUST be accompanied by an in-game picture and meaningful description. The in-game picture must be taken from the game. Exceptions are made when the nature of the upload, such as certain kinds of mods, preclude an in-game screenshot. Uploaders also must do their best to provide details of the upload, such as what it is, what it does, growable or ploppable, what menu it goes in, landmark effects, garbage production, or anything else that a downloader would like to know before attempting to use your creation.
MUST be accompanied by an meaningful how to install, uninstall and updates instructions
All Resources uploads MUST be accompanied by an meaningful how to install, uninstall and updates instructions in the how to install tab
MUST be accompanied by an in-game picture cover
All resources must upload a in-game picture cover after they submitted the file for Approval Exceptions are made when the nature of the upload, such as certain kinds of tools, testfight, preclude an in-game cover.
Price restrictions
You can set any price for your resources. But please be very reasonable
Must setup the seller dashboard under the resources tab.
If you are going to list your Resources for sale you must setup the seller dashboard under the resources tab.
Preorder restrictions
You can set preorder dates within 1 year or less depending of your choice.
Do not block or restrictions for Canada and USA from downloading & purchasing any resources
If you are going to set a countries restrictions for your resources, You must not blocked Canada and USA from downloading and purchasing your resources. So users from Canada and USA can download your resources without any problems!
Empty reviews prohibited
If you decide to rate, indicate what exactly you liked/disliked
Media Upload Guidelines
Do not block Canada and USA from watching your videos, embed, images, streaming and music
If you are going to set a countries restrictions for your videos and music, You must not blocked and put in restrictions for Canada and USA from watching your videos that's including video embeds, music embeds, images embeds, uploaded media and live stream embeds.
Do not pirate anything of your videos and images.
Do not pirate anything of your videos and images. Unless you have permission from the author
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