Title: Growing Up Gorman
Genre: Comedy,Drama
Director: Robin Hays
Cast: Brady Hepner,Emma Kenney,Hannah Cheramy,Makenzie Vega,Madison Wolfe,Jonathan Silverman,Gabriel Bateman,Preston Bailey,Luke Eisner,Charles Vandervaart,Robert Capron,Neel Sethi,Hayden Byerly,Michael Campion,Christian Martyn,Chloe Csengery,Tyree Brown,Amber Frank
Status: Planned
Plot: Derek Gorman thinks he has a simple plan to get popular; to win the battle of the bands competition and Patricia O'Connell's heart. But, sometimes life doesn't go as expected.Production companies
Cast Crew
Brady Hepner
Derek Gorman -
Emma Kenney
Hannah Cheramy
Makenzie Vega
Madison Wolfe
Donna -
Jonathan Silverman
Gabriel Bateman
Preston Bailey
Luke Eisner
Charles Vandervaart
Robert Capron
Neel Sethi
Sanjay -
Hayden Byerly
Michael Campion
Greg -
Christian Martyn
Chloe Csengery
Tyree Brown
Amber Frank
Robin Hays (Directing)
Director -
Danny Sawaf (Production)
Executive Producer -
Eric Goren (Production)
Producer -
Patricia Goren (Writing)