Title: Mickey and the Very Many Christmases Genre: Animation,Adventure,Comedy,Family Director: Greg Rankin,Janice S. Rim Runtime: 22 Status: Released Release: 2024-12-01
Title: Garfield Nickelodeon Project Genre: Animation Creator: Jim Davis Show status: Returning Series Overview: Untitled animated Garfield TV series in the works at Nickelodeon.
Title: Motel Transylvania Genre: Animation,Comedy,Family,Sci-Fi & Fantasy Show status: In Production Overview: Motel Transylvania is open for business, as Drac & Mavis take a break from their Transylvanian haunts to set up a brand new resort for humans and monsters in the California desert. Vampires and sunshine… what can go wrong!?
Title: Harold and the Purple Crayon Tagline: Everything he draws is about to get real. Genre: Family,Adventure,Fantasy,Comedy Director: Carlos Saldanha Runtime: 90 Status: Released Release: 2024-07-31
Title: No Time to Spy: A Loud House Movie Tagline: Dropping in to save the world Genre: Animation,Action,Adventure,Comedy,Family Director: Kyle Marshall Runtime: 81 Status: Released Release: 2024-06-21
Title: The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish Genre: Animation,Sci-Fi & Fantasy,Kids Creator: Dan Abramovici,Ashleigh Crystal Hairston,Lindsay Katai,Dave Stone First aired: May 16, 2024 Last air date: Aug 7, 2024 Show status: Returning Series Overview: Ten-year-old Hazel Wells has just moved to the big city of Dimmadelphia because of her dad’s new job. On top of being in an unfamiliar environment, it’s the first time she’s been without her brother, Antony, who’s just left for college, leaving her lonely and unsure of herself. All that changes when the pink-and-green-haired neighbors next door reveal that they are no ordinary neighbors…they’re Cosmo and Wanda, fairy godparents! And they’re coming out of retirement to make all of Hazel’s wishes come true.
Title: Megamind vs. the Doom Syndicate Tagline: Act like a villain, think like a hero. Genre: Animation,Comedy,Science Fiction Director: Eric Fogel Runtime: 83 Status: Released Release: 2024-03-29
Title: Megamind Rules! Genre: Animation,Comedy,Kids,Action & Adventure Creator: Alan Schoolcraft,Brent Simons First aired: Feb 29, 2024 Last air date: Jun 19, 2024 Show status: Ended Overview: Megamind finds his footing as the new protector of Metro City and faces a legion of villains while becoming the world's first hero influencer.
Title: Adventures in Wonder Park Show status: In Production Overview: Following the events of Wonder Park, June Bailey and the Wonderland mascots are on further adventures and mishaps in the park.
Title: Just Add Magic: Mystery City Genre: Kids,Sci-Fi & Fantasy,Comedy,Family Creator: Andrew Orenstein First aired: Jan 16, 2020 Last air date: Jan 16, 2020 Show status: Ended Overview: In a spinoff of the successful series Just Add Magic, we follow the magic cookbook to Bay City as it moves to three new protectors: step-siblings Zoe and Leo, and their downstairs neighbor Ish. Each of the three brings a unique skill to the table, as the cookbook unlocks a centuries-old mystery that takes them on an historical adventure through the city streets in a race to find a secret recipe.
Title: Curses! Genre: Animation,Kids,Action & Adventure,Sci-Fi & Fantasy,Family Creator: Jim Cooper,Jeff Dixon First aired: Oct 25, 2023 Last air date: Oct 2, 2024 Show status: Returning Series Overview: The Vanderhouvens are a typical family...except a curse recently turned Alex—their loving husband and father—to stone. In order to save him, his wife and kids set out on spine-tingling adventures to return ancient artifacts stolen by an ancestor.
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