Title: Mickey and the Very Many Christmases Genre: Animation,Adventure,Comedy,Family Director: Greg Rankin,Janice S. Rim Runtime: 22 Status: Released Release: 2024-12-01
Title: The Santa Clauses Genre: Comedy,Family Creator: Jack Burditt First aired: Nov 15, 2022 Last air date: Dec 5, 2023 Show status: Returning Series Overview: After nearly three decades of being Santa Claus, Scott Calvin’s magic begins to falter. As he struggles to keep up with the demands of the job, he discovers a new clause that forces him to rethink his role as Santa and as a father.
Title: A Wrestling Christmas Miracle Tagline: The countdown begins Genre: Family,Comedy Director: Chris T. Anthony Runtime: 78 Status: Released Release: 2020-11-15
Title: Christmas Ransom Tagline: It's time to save another Christmas... Genre: Comedy,Action,Adventure,Family Director: Adele Vuko Runtime: 90 Status: Released Release: 2022-12-01
Title: Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas: Cabin Fever Tagline: Get ready for the wimpiest Christmas ever! Genre: Animation,Comedy,Family Director: Luke Cormican Runtime: 64 Status: Released Release: 2023-12-07
Title: A Bulldog for Christmas Tagline: Slobbering all over your holiday! Genre: Comedy,Family Director: Henrique Couto Runtime: 83 Status: Released Release: 2013-12-08
Title: Dashing Through the Snow Tagline: The legend has arrived... hide the milk and cookies. Genre: Fantasy,Family,Comedy Director: Tim Story Runtime: 91 Status: Released Release: 2023-11-16
Title: A Dog for Christmas Tagline: Unleash the holiday cheer! Genre: Comedy,Family Director: Joel Paul Reisig Runtime: 89 Status: Released Release: 2015-12-12
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