
  1. TylerAustin

    Suggestion Request NEXL Railroad and Train Station Improvements

    I would like to see improvements to the train station and railway. This including new railway industry, adding train stations and more railway link to others cities in cities xxl. This also includes improvements to the extra main buttons with option.
  2. TylerAustin

    Suggestion Adding driving mode like SimCity 4

    I have a great idea for cities xl and cities xxl my idea is adding car mode that players can drive around the cities what they built, also I am thinking differently vehicles like boats, cars, bikes and other type of vehicle so players can drive around the city like simcity 4
  3. TylerAustin

    Suggestion Vehicle and Plaza Tutorial Needed

    Hi I don't know how to make vehicles and plaza into cities xl, so I am request a simple tutorial that you can create Vehicle and plaza for cities xl and cities xxl
  4. TylerAustin

    Suggestion Request NEXL Railroad and Train Station for Cities XL and Cities XXL

    I really like cities XL and I was thinking it should be a NEXL Railway and Train Station For Cities XL and Cities XXL, and it is no trains and train station for cities XL and cities xxl, also when I download railroad Mod some issues with connecting rail tracks and road with crossing the train...
  5. TylerAustin

    Suggestion Easy Mod XL Feature Requests

    I am Notice there is no transportation tag, Water Tag, Waste Tag and other tags, Also i am notice as well why it's show a Dialog it's says not available in beta Release, I point is why the easy mod tool for easy to use if they don't have more tags for Building menu location in Project...
  6. TylerAustin

    Suggestion Easy Mod XL Request

    I am Notice there is no transportation tag, Water Tag, Waste Tag and other tags, Also i am notice as well why it's show a Dialog it's says not available in beta Release, I point is why the easy mod tool for easy to use if they don't have more tags for Building menu location in Project...