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Entertainment Project Mc² (2015)

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Project Mc²
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Genre: Family,Comedy

Director: Jordana Arkin

First aired:

Last air date:

Show status: Canceled

Overview: McKeyla, Adrienne, Bryden, and Camryn are four super smart and science-skilled girls recruited to join the spy organization, NOV8.

Production companies

Where to watch

Trailer Cast Crew Videos

    • Victoria Vida

      Total episodes: 26
    • Ysa Penarejo

      Total episodes: 26
    • Mika Abdalla

      Total episodes: 26
    • Genneya Walton

      Total episodes: 26
    • Belle Shouse

      Total episodes: 18
    • Danica McKellar

      Total episodes: 15
    • Alyssa Lynch

      Total episodes: 13
    • Maddie Phillips

      Total episodes: 5
    • Chance Hurstfield

      Total episodes: 1
    • Eddy P. Delmont (Production)

    • Project Mc² | OFFICIAL TRAILER

      • Trailer
    • McKeyla McAlister’s Spy Tips: Secret Agent Morning Routine | Project Mc²

      • Clip
    • Project MC2 - Season 2 | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix

      • Trailer
Show information in first post provided by The Movie Database
Project Mc²
Back to Basics
Season: 2
Episode: 1
Air date: 2016-08-12

The four girls are demoted back to basics after they make a big deal out of saving the prince in the previous season. They are not allowed on any mission, even as a suspicious figure, Carson Lazarus, a criminal mastermind, is released from jail. Soon after, a figure who calls themselves "Retro" causes all technology to malfunction and glitch in Maywood Glen.

Project Mc²
No Laughing Matter
Season: 2
Episode: 2
Air date: 2016-08-12

Guest stars: Chance Hurstfield
The Quail allows the four girls to figure out this case. McKeyla becomes increasingly suspicious of Kyle, but soon dismisses the idea of him being Retro just because he knew she liked fro-yo and was wearing a black hoodie, very much like the one Retro wears. They also suspect Devon D'Marco, a troublemaker, as she spray-paints handcuffs on a picture of a drone on a poster about the upcoming launch. All four girls except Bry, who has to babysit, make ways to get detention on Saturday with Devon. Bry runs a vocal recognition as Cam and Adri confront the troublemaker and McKeyla looks through her bag. Devon is proven to be innocent, just using the school's 3D printer to make skulls for her nana's birthday.