What's New:
Users will be able to login using their steam details..
Now we have three more tabs called (steam games, steam friends, steam workshop) in a
users profiles.
These tabs are available at user profile
page. NICK97 https://cities-mods.com/index.php?members/nick97.1/#steam-workshop
Every tab will show data of its kind i.e steam games will show a list of games, steam
friends will show a list of friends etc.
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In the Games tab will have a button to add games, friends tab will have a button to add friends and
steam workshops tab will have a button to add stream workshops
Suppose if users want to add games. What will be the flow and what information we need
to receive against each entry whether users is trying to add new games or friends or steam
Steam Games: Game Name, Game Image, Game Link to the product website
Steam Workshop item: workshop item name, show workshop image, link to the workshop item
Steam Friends: Friends username, friend avatar
Add Friends
User can add friends by typing username name of any xenforo member.
Add Games/Workshop
User can add games and workshop by providing name,link and image.
Users will be able to add games, friends, and workshops from xenforo 2.1 profile section. They can also sync automatically as long users have signed in with steam. After syncing system should fetch friends, workshops and games detail from stream and display on xenforo under respective tabs. Syncing will work one way from stream to xenforo only. This means, users are only able to sync friends, workshops and games from Steam. Suppose if User A has added 2 games from xenforo and now he wants to fetch more games from stream then he can do this. But If user B has zero games on stream but he added 5 games from xenforo and now wants to sync it with stream, the System will not let him do this
One Way syncing functionality has been added as following
Click on user profile avatar on topbar and from dropdown click preferences
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Now users will check the option in the screenshot below:
when user check this steam api option then steam data will appear on user profile tabs.
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Users will need to provide every user with an ability to select which user or users can see his/her
games, friends and workshops.
Users will need to click on user profile avatar on topbar and from dropdown click steam tabs privacy
Now type the name of the user you want to show data to and click save.
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