Cities XL Road Widening Mod (CWM)

Transit Cities XL Road Widening Mod (CWM) v1.1

This Mod will add many new roads to the games, including grassy medians.
  • Author Author CountriesXL
  • Creation date Creation date
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Game Version(s)
  1. Cities XL 2011
  2. Cities XL 2012
  3. Cities XL Platinum
Installation Pre-requiste(s)
  1. XL User Interface Mod
  1. Road
Migrator's note: pcwhiz24 is the original author of this mod.
Unfortunately all the pics are missing.

It's finally here!****.net/sites/all/modules/smileys/packs/Roving/smile.png
*Update* Version: 1.1 Fixes:
*AVE-2 Crash when intersecting with grassy road
*AVE-2 Crash when creating two intersections close apart (fixed crossboth.layout)
This Mod adds several new roads to the US roads in the game, and a feature that was never added, which includes grass in the median of the avenues.
The following roads are included:

Turning Lane Avenues:
-Turning lane Avenue with 7 lanes (TLA-7)
-Turning lane Avenue with 5 lanes (TLA-5)
-Turning lane Avenue with 3 lanes (TLA-3)
Grassy Median Avenues:
-6 Lane Avenue with Grassy Median (AVE-6) (With regular trees or palm trees in median) (Dark and Light Asphalt upgradable)
-4 Lane Avenue with Grassy Median (AVE-4-W)(Upgradable to AVE-6 or expressway (Narrow version coming in later version)) (Dark and Light Asphalt upgradable)
-2 Lane Avenue with Grassy Median (AVE-2)
Pavement Median Avenues:
-6 Lane Avenue with Pavement Median (AVE-6)
-4 Lane Avenue with Pavement Median (AVE-4) (Didn't make this one, this is just the default ingame one)
-2 Lane Avenue with Pavement Median (AVE-2)
Extra Networks:
-Wide Uptown Avenue with 6 lanes (AVE-6-W) (Upgradable from 4-lane)
- Rural 4 lane Avenue (AVE-4-R)
- Rural 6 lane Avenue (AVE-6-R) (Can be changed into AVE-6-W)
Includes several networks by MRTNRLN:
-Avenue with 3 lanes (2+1 or 1+2)
-3-Lane One way Road (OWR-3)
Future Version will include:
-Regular AVE-4 with grassy median
-Medianless Avenue with 8 lanes (MAVE-8) (Can be upgraded from 6-lane Wide uptown Avenue)
-Support for France, English(UK), German, and Default Roadsets.
More Features:
-Bridges for most of the networks too.
-All avenues are upgradable from the upgrade panel, and you can change them to any networks
- Some of the roads will be dark asphalt with small trees when they're first layed down, then you can go into the upgrade panel by clicking on the road, and changing it to a
light asphalt version with bigger (older) trees, to create a wear down effect.
-All networks include bus stops
Extention type
File size
49.3 MB
First release
Last update


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