Walmart Supercenter

Lots Walmart Supercenter v1.0

Sam Walton started his discount store and the simple idea...
Game Version(s)
  1. SimCity 4 Rush Hour
Installation Pre-requiste(s)
SHK Parking Pack
BSC Mega Props - SG Vol 01
BSC Mega Texture Cycledogg v01
Maxis Tree Replacement Mod
Note: This is not my file and all credit go to @B62 Remastered with permission

About This File
"Sam Walton started his discount store and the simple idea of selling more for less, which has grown into the Walmart brand, the largest retailer in the world. Today, nearly 260 million customers visit more than 11,500 stores under 65 banners in 28 countries each week. With fiscal year 2015 net sales of $482.2 billion, Walmart employs 2.2 million associates worldwide – 1.4 million in the U.S. alone." ( )

This BAT was originally created by Bobbo662 (aka B62). Unfortunately, due to real life circumstances, he was unable to finish the lot and was just sitting around on his hard drive. After talking with him, he graciously handed his work over to me to finish and subsequently upload for yall.

For comments/feedback/critique/praise or just to see what's coming up next (I have a dozen? b62 building in queue), visit my lot thread .

12x14 LM Plop
200 CS$ Jobs
Plop Cost : $35000
Bulldoze Cost : $3500
Water Consumed : 8
Power Consumed : 30
Air Pollution : 0
Water Pollution : 2 over 5 tiles
**** Pollution : 14 over 4 tiles
Flamability : 35
[CountriesXL] Walmart Supercenter By 1
[CountriesXL] Walmart Supercenter By 1
[CountriesXL] Walmart Supercenter By 1
[CountriesXL] Walmart Supercenter By 1
[CountriesXL] Walmart Supercenter By 1
B62 Remastered
Extention type
File size
2.7 MB
First release
Last update


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