As a guest, you can read CountriesXL, but if you wish to post messages, you need to become a member.
Membership gives you an identity on the forum, a fixed username on all messages you post and an online public profile.
Registration is free, and offers an extended range of features, including:
- Posting new threads
- Replying to other peoples' threads
- Manage your owned watchlist (TV & Movies Only)
- Integration with trakt api
- Receiving email notification of replies to posts, threads, media, resources and group you specify
- Starting private conversations with other members
- Sharing your creative to others users
- Creating group or joining a group
- Buying and selling for free or paid in the Resources
- No Advertising anywhere on the forum compare to that's has lots of ads and tracking
Registration is safe. CountriesXL was started in 2017 and has grown to be one of the online communities. The link to our privacy policy is at the bottom of every page.
How do I register?
You register by clicking the
Log In or Sign Up link top right of the page. You can create a new account either using your Facebook, Microsoft or Google accounts; or via the CountriesXL system. You will be asked to type a user name and password. In addition there may be some other information which you will be invited to enter. Please also make sure you read our terms and rules which are different from other websites.
If registering via the CountriesXL system, you will be sent an activation email to confirm your email address. Click the activation link in the email. Once you have done this your account will be confirmed.
Once registered, you can start posting messages and enjoying the other benefits of being a member.