Frequently asked questions

About CountriesXL
Information related to our gaming and entertainment site

How do I use the website?
Countries XL has one elements to it. The Forums - where you can ask other people questions, share your experiences, help others and join in the community of like minded people. In the forums, you use the menu to navigate to the forum of interest and then read what other people are discussing. If you want to join in, then join up (click here - it only takes a few minutes) and then either reply to an existing thread if you have something to contribute to the topic or start your own new thread about your topic of choice related to city building games or entertainment (TV Shows, Movies and Music) Whether that is to ask a question or share an experience.
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Cities XL
Game questions related to CitiesXL 2009, 2011, 2012 and Platinum.

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Cities XXL
Game questions related to Cities XXL and Cities XXL Map Edition

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Cities: Skylines
Game questions related to Cities: Skylines and related dlc contents packs

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Cities: Skylines II
Game questions related to Cities: Skylines II and related dlc contents packs

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EA Desktop App
EA Desktop is a free video game utility tool that enables you to easily access all EA gaming content. Developed by Electronic Arts, this app is the official PC launcher and the new iteration of Origin.

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Steam is a free digital gaming storefront that puts a library of thousands of titles at your fingertips. Established by famous game studio Valve.

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