Title: Saint Nick of Bethlehem
Genre: Drama,Family,Romance
Director: Spencer T. Folmar
Cast: Daniel Roebuck,Cathy Moriarty,Marsha Dietlein,Stelio Savante,Duane Whitaker,Elias Kemuel,Timothy E. Goodwin,Bradford Haynes,Jennifer Porrata,Kathy Patterson
Status: Released
Release: 2024-11-14
Plot: Distraught over losing his son, Nick finds closure and discovers a new purpose when he takes on the role of Santa Claus.Cast Crew
Daniel Roebuck
Nick -
Cathy Moriarty
Betty -
Marsha Dietlein
Mary -
Stelio Savante
Harvey -
Duane Whitaker
Charlie -
Elias Kemuel
Tucker -
Timothy E. Goodwin
Reverend Jimbo -
Bradford Haynes
Billy -
Jennifer Porrata
Sue -
Kathy Patterson
Lisa Hinds (Production)
Co-Producer -
Kristen Wettstein (Art)
Production Design -
Spencer T. Folmar (Editing)
Editor -
Doug Tschirhart (Production)
Producer -
Tammy Roebuck (Production)
Producer -
Beth Clausnitzer (Production)
Casting -
Isaac March (Production)
Producer -
James Marlowe (Production)
Executive Producer -
Andre Welsh (Crew)
Cinematography -
Ben Daniele (Production)
Producer -
Daniel Roebuck (Directing)