Title: Spider-Man: No Way Home Tagline: The Multiverse unleashed. Genre: Action,Adventure,Science Fiction Director: Jon Watts Runtime: 148 Status: Released Release: 2021-12-15
Title: C.I.Ape Tagline: A secret agent who does not work for peanuts! Genre: Comedy,Family,Action,Science Fiction Director: Ali Zamani Runtime: 82 Status: Released Release: 2022-03-17
Title: Dadnapped Tagline: Melissa’s vacation just turned into a rescue mission. Genre: Comedy,Adventure,Action,Family,TV Movie Director: Paul Hoen Runtime: 84 Status: Released Release: 2009-02-16
Title: Cop Dog Tagline: Don't Mess With Man's Best Friend. Genre: Action,Adventure,Family,Crime Director: John Murlowski Runtime: 88 Status: Released Release: 2008-08-08
Title: The Karate Dog Tagline: A new breed of action hero Genre: Action,Adventure,Comedy,Crime,Family,TV Movie Director: Bob Clark Runtime: 84 Status: Released Release: 2004-05-05
Title: Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank Tagline: Time to mark some territory. Genre: Animation,Adventure,Comedy,Family Director: Rob Minkoff,Chris Bailey,Mark Koetsier Runtime: 94 Status: Released Release: 2022-07-14
Title: Raya and the Last Dragon Tagline: A quest to save her world. Genre: Animation,Family,Fantasy,Action,Adventure Director: Carlos López Estrada,Don Hall Runtime: 107 Status: Released Release: 2021-03-03
Title: Rise of the Guardians Tagline: You better believe. Genre: Animation,Family,Fantasy Director: Peter Ramsey Runtime: 97 Status: Released Release: 2012-11-21
Title: Minions: The Rise of Gru Tagline: A villain will rise. Genre: Animation,Comedy,Family,Adventure Director: Kyle Balda Runtime: 87 Status: Released Release: 2022-06-29
Title: Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie Tagline: Family vacations can be tricky. Genre: Family,TV Movie,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Action Director: Lev L. Spiro Runtime: 94 Status: Released Release: 2009-08-28
Title: Firehouse Dog Tagline: The biggest DogGone family film of the year Genre: Family,Comedy Director: Todd Holland Runtime: 111 Status: Released Release: 2007-04-04
Title: Fred Claus Tagline: Everybody has that one relative who can't help but cause problems over the holidays. Even Santa. Genre: Action,Comedy,Drama Director: David Dobkin Runtime: 115 Status: Released Release: 2007-11-09
Title: Bernie the Dolphin Tagline: Protect the cove. Rescue the dolphin. Save the day. Genre: Family,Comedy,Adventure Director: Kirk Harris Runtime: 88 Status: Released Release: 2018-12-07
Title: Spies in Disguise Tagline: Super Spy. Super Fly. Genre: Animation,Action,Adventure,Comedy,Family Director: Nick Bruno,Troy Quane Runtime: 102 Status: Released Release: 2019-12-04
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