Title: Luigi's Mansion Tagline: Mario... Where Are You? Genre: Adventure,Fantasy,Family,Action Director: JT Wight Runtime: 60 Status: In Production Release: 2023-05-01
Title: The Tiger's Apprentice Tagline: Unlock the power within. Genre: Animation,Family,Fantasy Director: Raman Hui Runtime: 84 Status: Released Release: 2024-04-04
Title: Mufasa: The Lion King Tagline: The story of an orphan who would be king. Genre: Adventure,Family,Drama,Animation Director: Barry Jenkins Runtime: 118 Status: Released Release: 2024-12-18
Title: Bunyan and Babe Tagline: You don't have to BE BIG to do BIG THINGS. Genre: Adventure,Animation,Comedy,Family,Fantasy Director: Louis Ross Runtime: 84 Status: Released Release: 2017-01-12
Title: Crater Tagline: Miles from Earth, their adventure begins. Genre: Science Fiction,Action,Adventure,Family Director: Kyle Patrick Alvarez Runtime: 104 Status: Released Release: 2023-05-12
Title: Strange World Tagline: Journey to a place where nothing is as it appears! Genre: Animation,Family,Adventure,Science Fiction,Fantasy Director: Don Hall Runtime: 102 Status: Released Release: 2022-11-23
Title: Blue's Big City Adventure Tagline: All They Need is You. Genre: Family,Adventure,Music,Animation,Comedy Director: Matt Stawski Runtime: 74 Status: Released Release: 2022-11-18
Title: Spirit Halloween: The Movie Tagline: Terror begins after hours. Genre: Adventure,Family,Horror,Fantasy,Mystery Director: David Poag Runtime: 87 Status: Released Release: 2022-09-30
Title: Inside Out 2 Tagline: Make room for new emotions. Genre: Animation,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Family Director: Kelsey Mann Runtime: 97 Status: Released Release: 2024-06-11
Title: Luck Tagline: Sometimes all you need is for everything to go wrong. Genre: Animation,Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy Director: Peggy Holmes Runtime: 105 Status: Released Release: 2022-08-05
Title: Henry Danger: The Movie Tagline: It's danger...like you've never seen before Genre: Action,Comedy,Family,Science Fiction Director: Joe Menendez Runtime: 86 Status: Post Production Release: 2025-01-17
Title: Monster High: The Movie Tagline: Skull's in session. Genre: Family,Fantasy,Comedy,Adventure Director: Todd Holland Runtime: 89 Status: Released Release: 2022-10-06
Title: Secret Headquarters Tagline: When the secret is out, the adventure begins. Genre: Action,Adventure,Comedy,Science Fiction,Family Director: Henry Joost,Ariel Schulman Runtime: 104 Status: Released Release: 2022-08-12
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