Title: Next Gen Tagline: Friendship is the ultimate upgrade Genre: Animation,Action,Adventure,Comedy,Family,Science Fiction Director: Kevin R. Adams,Joe Ksander Runtime: 105 Status: Released Release: 2018-09-07
Title: Once Upon a Studio Tagline: 100 years of Disney magic comes together. Genre: Animation,Family,Fantasy,Comedy Director: Trent Correy,Dan Abraham Runtime: 9 Status: Released Release: 2023-09-24
Title: Lady and the Tramp Tagline: Be loyal. Be brave. Be loved. Genre: Family,Romance,Comedy Director: Charlie Bean Runtime: 101 Status: Released Release: 2019-11-12
Title: Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas: Cabin Fever Tagline: Get ready for the wimpiest Christmas ever! Genre: Animation,Comedy,Family Director: Luke Cormican Runtime: 64 Status: Released Release: 2023-12-07
Title: A Bulldog for Christmas Tagline: Slobbering all over your holiday! Genre: Comedy,Family Director: Henrique Couto Runtime: 83 Status: Released Release: 2013-12-08
Title: Rusty: A Dog's Tale Tagline: Never underestimate the brains of a beagle! Genre: Adventure,Comedy,Family Director: Shuki Levy Runtime: 90 Status: Released Release: 1998-09-22
Title: Gabe the Cupid Dog Tagline: A Mischievous Dog Plays Matchmaker! Genre: Family,Comedy Director: Michael Feifer Runtime: 91 Status: Released Release: 2012-01-01
Title: A Dog Named Duke Tagline: A touching story of love and friendship. Genre: TV Movie,Comedy,Drama,Family Director: Mark Jean Runtime: 85 Status: Released Release: 2012-04-28
Title: Lenny The Wonder Dog Tagline: He's a talking dog and everyone's after him. Genre: Family,Comedy,Adventure Director: Stav Ozdoba,Oren Goldman Runtime: 84 Status: Released Release: 2005-08-23
Title: Dashing Through the Snow Tagline: The legend has arrived... hide the milk and cookies. Genre: Fantasy,Family,Comedy Director: Tim Story Runtime: 91 Status: Released Release: 2023-11-16
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