Title: Diary of a Future President Genre: Comedy,Kids Creator: Ilana Peña First aired: Jan 16, 2020 Last air date: Aug 17, 2021 Show status: Canceled Overview: Told from the narration of her diary, 12-year-old Cuban-American Elena navigates the ups and downs of middle school and begins her journey to become the future president of the United States.
Title: Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe Tagline: Get ready for a mission that's out of this world! Genre: Family,Animation,Science Fiction,Comedy Director: Dan Povenmire,Bob Bowen Runtime: 85 Status: Released Release: 2020-08-27
Title: High School Musical: The Musical: The Series Genre: Family,Comedy,Drama Creator: Tim Federle First aired: Nov 11, 2019 Last air date: Aug 8, 2023 Show status: Ended Overview: A group of East High students countdown to the opening night of their school’s first-ever production of “High School Musical.” Showmances blossom; friendships are tested while new ones are made; rivalries flare and lives are changed forever as these young people discover the transformative power that only a high school drama club can provide.
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