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Entertainment Avenger Dogs 2: Wonder Dogs (2020)

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Avenger Dogs 2: Wonder Dogs
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Title: Avenger Dogs 2: Wonder Dogs

Tagline: The loudest bark in the galaxy and beyond

Genre: Animation,Family

Director: Jacob Trill

Cast: Thomas Carr,Jerry Davis,Simon Hill,Larry G. Jones,Noelle Lagusch,Victor Merchan,Kelsey Painter,KJ Schrock

Status: Released

Release: 2020-05-05

Runtime: 70

Plot: When evil panther Sharposky emerges to threaten the cosmos with a new doomsday device it's up to the Canine Intelligence Agency's best and brightest heroes, the Avenger Dogs, to save the the universe.

Where to watch

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More details on TMDb

Cast Crew

    • Thomas Carr

    • Jerry Davis

    • Simon Hill

    • Larry G. Jones

    • Noelle Lagusch

    • Victor Merchan

    • Kelsey Painter

    • KJ Schrock

    • BC Fourteen (Writing)

    • Wally Atkins (Production)

    • Jacob Trill (Directing)

Movie information in first post provided by The Movie Database