Cities XL Artist Tool Suite

Downloads Cities Xl Artist Tool Suite 2012

Create your own 3D Models and Import them into Cities XL
NICK97 submitted a new resource:

- Create your own 3D Models and Import them into Cities XL

Here it is, the updated 3ds Max Artist Tool Suite. http://****.net/sites/all/modules/smileys/packs/Roving/smile.png

Create your own 3d models and import them into Cities XL 2009 - Platinum.

The exporter has been updated and is compatible with 3ds Max 2012 only. (32 & 64 bit)

For **** technical specifications refer to the technical guide below. "complete_technic_doc_2012.pdf" (provided by FHI).

Thanks to montoto & aitortila for their help testing, mr-tom for getting...