Tags.cfg for XL

Downloads Tags.cfg for XL v2.2

Tags.cfg Dependency Mod for XL
NICK97 submitted a new resource:

Tags.cfg for XL - Tags.cfg Dependency Mod for XL

DO NOT USE WITH XXL!! Its for 2009, 2011, 2012 and Platinum ONLY!
And do NOT place in Paks folder!

XXL-Users please use this one instead:

Installation Instruction

Short Version:

Install UIM 1.79.9 before. Then extract this mod to your CXL-Installation Folder (NOT Paks-Folder) and overwrite previous tags.cfg.

Long Version:
1. Install the Latest User Interface Mod 1.79.9...

Read more about this resource...
CountriesXL updated Tags.cfg for XL with a new update entry:

XL - Tags.cfg DependencyMod - Version 2.2

For information below, here are the elements added to the TAGS:
<StyleDRAZIC21/>        <!-- ..... CXXL by Drazicdesign -->
  <StyleDRAZIC22/>        <!-- ..... CXXL by Drazicdesign -->
  <StyleDRAZIC23/>        <!-- ..... CXXL by Drazicdesign -->
  <StyleDRAZIC24/>        <!-- ..... CXXL by Drazicdesign -->
  <StyleDRAZIC25/>        <!-- ..... CXXL by Drazicdesign -->
  <StyleDRAZIC26/>        <!-- ..... CXXL by Drazicdesign -->
  <StyleDRAZIC27/>        <!-- ..... CXXL by...

Read the rest of this update entry...