Title: Toy Story 5
Genre: Animation,Adventure,Family,Comedy
Director: Andrew Stanton
Cast: Tom Hanks,Tim Allen
Status: In Production
Release: 2026-06-17
Plot: Buzz, Woody, Jessie and the rest of the gang's jobs get exponentially harder when they go head to head with an all-new threat to playtime: tech.Trailer Cast Crew Videos
Tom Hanks
Woody (voice) -
Tim Allen
Buzz Lightyear (voice) -
Joan Cusack
Jessie (voice) -
Wallace Shawn
Rex (voice) -
Tony Hale
Forky (voice) -
Jeff Bergman
Mr. Potato Head (voice) -
John Ratzenberger
Hamm (voice) -
Blake Clark
Slinky (voice) -
Madeleine McGraw
Bonnie (voice)
Andrew Stanton (Writing)
Screenplay -
Estelle Harris (Crew)
In Memory Of -
Tom Myers (Sound)
Sound Re-Recording Mixer -
Pete Docter (Production)
Executive Producer -
Gary Rizzo (Sound)
Sound Re-Recording Mixer -
Randy Newman (Sound)
Conductor -
McKenna Jean Harris (Directing)
TOY STORY 5 Teaser Trailer (2026)
- Teaser