BC Liquor Store For XXL

Retail BC Liquor Store For XXL v1.0

Brand new building for cities xl and cities xxl
Game Version(s)
  1. Cities XL 2011
  2. Cities XL 2012
  3. Cities XL Platinum
  4. Cities XXL
Installation Pre-requiste(s)
  1. Cities XXL Community Patch Mod
  2. Tag.cfg
Geographical Tag(s)
  1. North America
Common Era Tag(s)
  1. 1900 to 1950
Architectural Style Tag(s)
  1. Modern
BC Liquor Stores are a chain of crown corporation retail outlets operated by the British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch to distribute alcoholic beverages in the province of British Columbia, Canada. They are accountable to the Attorney General of British Columbia. BC Liquor Stores currently operate 196 locations across the province. The chain was established in June 1921, following the result of a plebiscite in favour of liquor availability through government liquor stores. Prior to the plebiscite, alcohol had been illegal through the Prohibition Act, introduced on May 23, 1916, with exceptions to sacramental, medicinal or industrial purposes.
[CountriesXL] BC Liquor Store For XXL By 1
[CountriesXL] BC Liquor Store For XXL By 1
[CountriesXL] BC Liquor Store For XXL By 1
[CountriesXL] BC Liquor Store For XXL By 1
[CountriesXL] BC Liquor Store For XXL By 1
[CountriesXL] BC Liquor Store For XXL By 1
[CountriesXL] BC Liquor Store For XXL By 1

Copyright 2017 NICK97. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named NICK97
Extention type
File size
845.4 KB
First release
Last update


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