Cities XXL - Map Editor

Tech Support Cities XXL - Map Editor v1.0.0

Cities XXL official Map Editor is the perfect tool to build and create your own maps, and to share…
Please followed the instructions how to install it?

Step 1: Launch Steam App (Not thus the web) and sign in using your steam account

Step 2: Make sure you purchase Cities XXL and Cities XXL Map Editor

Step 3: if you haven’t install Cities XXL please make sure you install Cities XXL Base Game before installing Cities XXL Map Editor

Step 2: Click Library

Step 3: You will needed to click ‘all menu‘ and check tools it’s under home tab

Step 4: found and search Cities XXL Map Editor

Step 5: Once you have found Cities XXL - Map Editor right click and click Install Button

Step 6: Once you have completed the downloading and installing the map editor please launch it

Step 7: Once you have created a map for cities xxl you are more welcome to submit your maps in our resource page so other’s members can download the map and enjoy you have created!

Notes 1: Once you have completed the map please install the map in cities XXL under paks folder and test it to confirm its fully working on your side

Note 2: Make sure Cities XXL is installed properly before installing the map editor sometimes map editor may fail launch if cities xxl is not installed correctly