Tags.cfg for XXL

Dependency Tags.cfg for XXL v1.4

Tags.cfg Dependency Mod for XXL
For information below, here are the elements added to the TAGS:
<StyleDRAZIC21/>        <!-- ..... CXXL by Drazicdesign -->
  <StyleDRAZIC22/>        <!-- ..... CXXL by Drazicdesign -->
  <StyleDRAZIC23/>        <!-- ..... CXXL by Drazicdesign -->
  <StyleDRAZIC24/>        <!-- ..... CXXL by Drazicdesign -->
  <StyleDRAZIC25/>        <!-- ..... CXXL by Drazicdesign -->
  <StyleDRAZIC26/>        <!-- ..... CXXL by Drazicdesign -->
  <StyleDRAZIC27/>        <!-- ..... CXXL by...
added Tags for Drazicdesign's USA Road Pack