Title: Peter Pan & Wendy Tagline: Escape to Neverland. Genre: Family,Fantasy,Action,Adventure Director: David Lowery Runtime: 106 Status: Released Release: 2023-04-20
Title: Mamaboy Tagline: High school just got weirder. Genre: Comedy,Drama,Family,Fantasy,Romance,Science Fiction Director: Aaron Leong Runtime: 124 Status: Released Release: 2016-09-03
Title: Good Boys Tagline: You must be this tall to see this movie Genre: Comedy Director: Gene Stupnitsky Runtime: 89 Status: Released Release: 2019-08-14
Title: Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire Tagline: It'll send a chill down your spine. Genre: Fantasy,Adventure,Comedy Director: Gil Kenan Runtime: 115 Status: Released Release: 2024-03-20
Title: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie Genre: Animation,Action,Science Fiction Director: Andy Suriano,Ant Ward Runtime: 86 Status: Released Release: 2022-08-04
Title: School of Magical Animals 2 Tagline: A new magical adventure. Genre: Family,Adventure,Fantasy Director: Sven Unterwaldt Jr. Runtime: 103 Status: Released Release: 2022-09-29
Title: The School of the Magical Animals Tagline: A magical adventure Genre: Family,Adventure,Fantasy Director: Gregor Schnitzler Runtime: 93 Status: Released Release: 2021-10-14
Title: We Have a Ghost Tagline: Set your spirit free. Genre: Comedy,Fantasy,Horror Director: Christopher Landon Runtime: 127 Status: Released Release: 2023-02-24
Title: The Super Mario Bros. Movie Tagline: Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear overalls. Genre: Animation,Family,Adventure,Fantasy,Comedy Director: Michael Jelenic,Aaron Horvath Runtime: 93 Status: Released Release: 2023-04-05
Title: The Three Dogateers Tagline: Christmas just went to the dogs Genre: Family,Adventure,Comedy Director: Jesse Baget Runtime: 94 Status: Released Release: 2014-11-11
Title: The Orange Years: The Nickelodeon Story Genre: Documentary Director: Scott Barber,Adam Sweeney Runtime: 102 Status: Released Release: 2018-11-15
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