Title: Inside Out 2 Tagline: Make room for new emotions. Genre: Animation,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Family Director: Kelsey Mann Runtime: 97 Status: Released Release: 2024-06-11
Title: Luck Tagline: Sometimes all you need is for everything to go wrong. Genre: Animation,Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy Director: Peggy Holmes Runtime: 105 Status: Released Release: 2022-08-05
Title: Henry Danger: The Movie Tagline: It's danger...like you've never seen before Genre: Action,Comedy,Family,Science Fiction Director: Joe Menendez Runtime: 86 Status: Post Production Release: 2025-01-17
Title: Junkyard Dogs Tagline: Things are about to get hairy. Genre: Family,Comedy Director: Jacob Cooney Runtime: 89 Status: Released Release: 2022-08-05
Title: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Tagline: New adventure. New rival. Genre: Science Fiction,Adventure,Comedy,Family Director: Jeff Fowler Runtime: 110 Status: Released Release: 2024-12-19
Title: DC League of Super-Pets Tagline: Sit, stay, save the world. Genre: Animation,Action,Family,Comedy,Science Fiction Director: Jared Stern Runtime: 105 Status: Released Release: 2022-07-27
Title: Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget Tagline: This time, they're breaking in! Genre: Family,Animation,Adventure,Comedy Director: Sam Fell Runtime: 101 Status: Released Release: 2023-12-08
Title: Dog Tagline: A filthy animal unfit for human company and a... dog. Genre: Drama,Comedy Director: Channing Tatum,Reid Carolin Runtime: 101 Status: Released Release: 2022-02-17
Title: The Bad Guys Tagline: Good is no fun at all. Genre: Family,Animation,Adventure,Comedy,Crime Director: Pierre Perifel Runtime: 100 Status: Released Release: 2022-03-17
Title: The Garfield Movie Tagline: Indoor cat. Outdoor adventure. Genre: Animation,Comedy,Family,Adventure,Action Director: Mark Dindal Runtime: 101 Status: Released Release: 2024-04-30
Title: Spider-Man: No Way Home Tagline: The Multiverse unleashed. Genre: Action,Adventure,Science Fiction Director: Jon Watts Runtime: 148 Status: Released Release: 2021-12-15
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