Title: Henry Danger: The Movie
Genre: Adventure,Action,Comedy,Family,Science Fiction
Director: Joe Menendez
Cast: Jace Norman,Sean Ryan Fox,Ella Anderson,Frankie Grande,Dimitry Tsoy,Matt Kennedy,Michael D. Cohen,Glee Dango
Status: In Production
Release: 2025-01-17
Plot: Henry Hart has been serving as the city of Dystopia's local hero after leaving behind his Swellview days. Just as the trappings of fame begin to weigh on him, a transformative twist unfolds with the introduction of Missy Martin, a dedicated superfan who unexpectedly turns his world upside down.Trailer Cast Crew Videos
Jace Norman
Henry Hart -
Sean Ryan Fox
Jasper Dunlop -
Ella Anderson
Piper Hart -
Frankie Grande
Frankini -
Dimitry Tsoy
Creep 1 -
Matt Kennedy
Creep 2 -
Michael D. Cohen
Dana Olsen (Writing)
Characters -
Dan Schneider (Writing)
Characters -
Joe Menendez (Directing)
Director -
Jake Farrow (Writing)
Writer -
Christopher Charles Kempinski (Crew)
Cinematography -
Christopher J. Nowak (Writing)
Writer -
Paul Edward-Francis (Sound)
Official Teaser
- Teaser