Singleplayer Trade Mod

Downloads Singleplayer Trade Mod v1.0.4

This mod changes the prices for buying and selling tokens (with OmniCorp) in the solo game. It also


Stuff Account
Staff member
Mar 30, 2017
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Cities XL Mods submitted a new resource:

- This mod changes the prices for buying and selling tokens (with OmniCorp) in the solo game. It also

Hello Community.

How many would now like a mod, which in the Solospiel the fixed prices of OmniCorp in the trade changes.

Note: This is a solo solo mod. There is no effect in the multiplayer game .

Unfortunately the finding of "fair" prices proved to be extremely difficult. The reason for this is that the economic cycle in CitiesXL is very interrelated and cycles occur.

I have made a calculation based on T2 buildings. This included the maintenance costs of the buildings, resource...