Downloads US-Highway Signs (RHM2)

Nixies submitted a new resource:

US-Highway Signs (RHM2) - Replaces the German style road signs with US style


pitty is the original author of this mod. I got the file from the old XLN site. Enjoy!

The mod replaces the decorational German road signs that come along with the "Realistic Highway Mod 2 (RHM2)" with US style signs. The mod includes 14 highway signs of all types an sizes.

View attachment 928

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Suggestion XLN User Interface Mod for Cities XXL with extra options.

Hey guys I don't wanna **** the forum **** with User Mod Requests but there is something I think it's really necessary to maintain Cities XXL popularity.

I am a user with a hiatus over 4 years and it had some reasons.
My main reason behind my long hiatus is that I've found out that Cities XXL and Cities XL with UIM have totally different interface. Many interfaces don't exists at all and it lacks possibility to use both Cities XXL and XL mods.
My old Cities XL mod map got 1.307 mods. While my new Cities XLL mod map just around 811 mods. This means 496 mods are still unable to enter Cities XXL under current interface.

I hope the User Interface Mod will make a come back with both the new CitiesXXL architecture troggle bar and the UIM interface.

The few changes
+Add an additional bridge and road menu for the unsorted bridges who can't be fit into a menu.
+Increase population of standard CitiesXXL buildings with 1,4x.
+Increase amouth of eglible modded maps up to a 1000. Or atleast 500 if that's a more realistic amouth.
+All maps automatically have all rescources.
+Eglible to add new road texture menu's so all the existing road retextures could be changed into additional road textures without the cost of an existing road texture.
+Able to use all eglible road textures in one map. For example English roads and US roads in one map. Default roads and German roads in the other map.
+Cheat that ends bankrupcty for every T3 and exceptional menu building you can set on and off.
+Cheat that will make you have a positive financial rent for your city.
+Eglible to use 20x20 and 40x40 km maps.
+Eglible to add multiple bus/metro/trams/train companies to compete in one city. Each with there own texture of vehicles. Simulair what you see in many countries such as in the United Kingdom, United States or Canada.
+Intercity Links can be build everywhere. Already inplanted after you installed the UIM mod like this.

Anyways thank for reading.
Thanks in advance.

Downloads How To Upload A Mod To The Steam Workshop

xsnation_stuff submitted a new resource:

How To Upload A Mod To The Steam Workshop - This tutorial will show you how to upload a mod to the Steam Workshop using the UGCManager.

NOTE: This is for cities XXL only.

Howdy all. By now you've probably gotten your grubby little hands on Cities XXL. For those who want to upload your mods to the Steam Workshop here is how you do it.

Step 1: Open the UGCManager located in your Cities XXL folder.
D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Cities XL 2015

Mine is on a different HDD. I made a shortcut to the desktop for ease.

Step 2:

In the box that says Files, click on Add and find your patch file.
To the right of that you will...

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Support All-you-need Tech Thread

All-you-need Tech thread

What your help thread should contain:
  • Describe the problem as detailled as possible
  • Log, a file that saves all important operations of a session
How to post a log
Why should i post a log?
A log helps users to solve your crash.

How to open a .log
With the normal editor.

Which file should i choose?
The one after the crash, so the latest one.

What exactly should i post?
The last 10 or 20 lines are enough.
It would be best to upload the log somewhere and post a downloadlink.

1st step: Making hidden folders and documents visible
If you have already done that you can skip that step

open the control panel > folder options
For a better overview change your display settings to big or small symbols


Select the 2nd category on the top
scroll down and make hidden folders and documents visible


2nd step: Opening the right folder and log
For most Windows 7 and Vista user the path should be like that
C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Focus Home Interactive\Cities XL 2012\log
Documents and Settings\AppData\local\FocusHomeInteractive\Cities XL 2011\log
Open the latest .log with editor (important: open the latest file just if you had a crash last time, if you had a regular run it won't be helpfull
rightclick - open with - editor


editor not mentioned?
In open with select the browse button and go to
and open the notepad.exe


In the log scroll down to the end, and copy the latest 10 or 20 lines in your post/topic


How to backup your cities / correctly reinstall cxl after an unsolveable crash
1st step: Make sure your appdata folder is visable (see 1st step how to post a log)

2nd step: Backup your files
Make a copy of your Cities XL 2012/11/09 folder to backup your files
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Focus Home Interactive\Cities XL 2012

Also if you want to continue some cities you should save all your mods.

3rd step: Deleting the savegames/appdata folder
delete this folder:
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Focus Home Interactive\Cities XL 2012\live\offline
(This folder contains all the savegames, settings,...)

If the log links to a special city (optional step)
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Focus Home Interactive\Cities XL 2012\live\offline\solo\solosaveregionmap*
in the solo folder you can find several "solosaveregionmap*" folders which contain the city savegames, in every folder there is a file called: city.cxl
open it with the notepad and search for the line: <itm key = 'CityName' value = 'Cityname' />
(theoretically you could cheat with this file)
that way you can find out which city is in the folder and if your log is linking to a special city, delete the folder (remember, just at a startup crash)

and of course... reinstall your cxl

Common Problems

D3DXcreateEffect Error

Grey building instead of mod appears


Downloads Beginner's Guide

xsnation_stuff submitted a new resource:

Beginner's Guide - How to install mods

Hello and welcome on board!

Make sure you are not running the game!

1) choose your game:
2.1: XL (2012 and Platinum)
2.2: XXL

2.1: Cities XL (2012 and Platinum):
Disk or Steam?

2.1.1: Disk: If you used the standard path for the installation, then go to C:\Program Files\Focus Home Interactive\Cities XL 2012 (Platinum). If you did not use the...

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Downloads Real Canadian Superstore

NICK97 submitted a new resource:

Real Canadian Superstore - Real Canadian Superstore is a Canadian hypermarket chain currently operating in 5 Canadian provinces

About This File

Note: All Credit go to @portlandexpos04 from

Real Canadian Superstore is a Canadian hypermarket chain currently operating in 5 Canadian provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Saskatchewan) and the Yukon Territories. It is a subsidiary of Brampton, Ontario-based Loblaw Companies. The stores primarily focus on...

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Downloads Urban Outfitters

NICK97 submitted a new resource:

Urban Outfitters - Urban Outfitters, Inc. is an American multinational lifestyle retail corporation headquartered in Ph

About This File

Urban Outfitters, Inc. is an American multinational lifestyle retail corporation headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It operates 245 locations worldwide. The Urban Outfitters brand targets young adults with a merchandise mix of women's and men's fashion apparel, footwear, beauty and accessories, activewear and gear, and housewares, as well as music, primarily vinyl records and cassettes.

CS$$$ lot that will be a part of a future high-wealth...

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Downloads Solution for the lag

NICK97 submitted a new resource:

Solution for the lag - If it does not completely remove lag, it will certainly improve performance a lot.

Step 1: Locate GlobalSettings.cfg in Cities XXL/Data/Config/

Step 2: Open GlobalSettings.cfg

Step 3: Search for the phrase: <!-- Visibility Manager -- > and you will find this: <VisibilityEnabled>2</VisibilityEnabled> and change it to <VisibilityEnabled>0</VisibilityEnabled>.
Now when you start the game and load a city all the objects such as trees and city lights will be only drawn once so no redrawing of objects when you scroll the screen.

Step 4: Search for the phrase...

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Downloads Hvac Utility Plant For XXL

xsnation_stuff submitted a new resource:

Hvac Utility Plant For XXL - Brand new power plant for your cities in cities xxl

View attachment 806View attachment 807View attachment 808View attachment 809View attachment 810View attachment 811
Copyright 2017 NICK97. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named NICK97

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Announcment Our Website has Changed to

New Domain:
Today the site now changed to and will no longer support anymore. all files from has now bin moved to and all data will be removed in within seven days

New Feature:
bookmark, videos and other has been removed because there will be a updated in xenforo software. added new feature that let's you add more for your file author instead of one and i also added resource tag in the resource page items

Coming Soon:
will be upgrading to xenforo 2.1 soon with new features and improvements


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Downloads 3DS Max units setup

xsnation_stuff submitted a new resource:

3DS Max units setup - Easy tuto to setup 3ds Max units

Easy tutorial in few words and images :D (Compatible with Cities XXL too).

1. Customize > Units SetUp > Metric > Meters
2. System Unit Setup > 1 Unit = 1 Centimeters > OK
View attachment 759
View attachment 760

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