• Some features and add-ons are currently not working at this moment and they should be fix within few weeks or longer

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Hi Everyone I live in B.C. Canada where due to global licensing laws I, and everyone else living here are restricted in what is available for us to watch unless we buy subscriptions which becomes costly to many I am hoping that you will agree that existing laws need to change in our favor not in favor of corporations that are able to line their pockets by having users pay for subscriptions here in Canada ,when such services are available on an individual basis to our neighbors to the south. It is important to me that this petition will force the government to reform global copyright and licensing laws to end this unfair practice. Petition Link: https://www.change.org/p/justin-trudeau-reform-global-copyright-and-licensing-laws Also...
We now have a resource section for player Cities: Skylines ll. It's a basic setup for now and improvements can be made later. Such as a good way to list needed dlc packs etc... For now players will need to include a screenshots and details of any mods created. Yes I know Cities: Skylines ll has not been released yet but I am making this resource section ready before its released as I won't be available on that day! Screenshot:
Hi everyone Some countries will not be able to downloading and/or purchasing any resources due to licensing agreement, human rights abuses and wars in ukraine by russia 🇷🇺 Countries listed: China Hong Kong Russia North Korean South Korean Unfortunately the countries list above will be banned permanently due to our licensing agreement, human rights abuses, wars in ukraine by russia Imported Note: Work is still underway and will continue into next few months
Hi everyone since xenforo 2.x came out with many new features and improvements. The newer version of xenforo 2.x doesn’t come with dropdown menu was removed and replaced with list chooser in newer version of xenforo 2.x. So that’s why I have hired a developer from https://snogssite.com/ to restore the dropdown menu from xenforo 1.x to xenforo 2.x. This feature only support for resources manager, media gallery, forum, threads and nobite group addon. This feature is currently not available in the Countries XL iOS App!
Past few years I am notice there are lots of scammers taking advantage of users data including email, files on others xenforo websites. So I am very pleased to announce there is a new security feature is now available to all registered members. You will be able to view devices, remote logout and blocked devices from login into that’s users account. Also due to security reason users must gets email alerts when there a new device has login into that’s account. Unfortunately there might be some users who may not like this feature due to security reasons I needed to provide users with new security features including lockout, log devices and with a able to logout devices remotely, block devices will preventing them from login into that’s...
Last few weeks ago I have upgraded to xenforo 2.2 one of the feature now including PWA setup helper and Web share API. So now users can install on Windows, macOS and Android devices using PWA. Unfortunately this feature is not available on iOS and iPadOS because unfortunately Apple have not Implemented in the safari app yet. As well we have support web share api now also available to all users who wanted to share to Facebook or other social networking sites. Requirements(s): Web browser: Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge installed Internet Connection Required to use the web application
Seller dashboard If you wanted to make some extra money by selling mods, tools and programs related with city buildings games now you can do that as long you have setup a paypal account and setup seller dashboard under resources tab Requirement(s): Must have PayPal Business Account or Stripe Must be over 19 years old depending on your country Must Setup your Seller Dashboard with logo, payment data and invoice. Must Setup input restricted private API keys for Stripe payments (Stripe Payment Only) Must Setup Verify webhook with signing secret for Stripe payments (Stripe Payment Only) Every Monthly please pay your invoice as soon as possible Note: In the future I will improve the security and requirement enforcement that’s will help...
What's New: Users will be able to login using their steam details. . Now we have three more tabs called (steam games, steam friends, steam workshop) in a users profiles. These tabs are available at user profile page. NICK97 https://cities-mods.com/index.php?members/nick97.1/#steam-workshop Every tab will show data of its kind i.e steam games will show a list of games, steam friends will show a list of friends etc. In the Games tab will have a button to add games, friends tab will have a button to add friends and steam workshops tab will have a button to add stream workshops Suppose if users want to add games. What will be the flow and what information we need to receive against each entry whether users is trying to add new...
We now have a resource section for player cities. It's a basic setup for now and improvements can be made later. Such as a good way to list needed mods etc... For now players will need to include a list of any mods used in their cities so the cities load correctly. Due to the size of some cities, external links are the only way of sharing. Please use file hosting that allows large file downloads without having to be a paid member. Also avoid hosts with nasty advertising and popups.
New Domain: Today the site now changed to cities-mods.com and will no longer support citiesxlmods.com anymore. all files from citiesxlmods.com has now bin moved to cities-mods.com and all data will be removed in within seven days New Feature: bookmark, videos and other has been removed because there will be a updated in xenforo software. added new feature that let's you add more for your file author instead of one and i also added resource tag in the resource page items Coming Soon: will be upgrading to xenforo 2.1 soon with new features and improvements

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